APA Community Dinner

APASA APA Community Dinner-22 On Friday, Jan. 29th, USC APASA held for the first time an APA community dinner for APA Community leaders as well as APA students. Students got a chance to sit down the leaders from a variety of professions and learn about their world as well as gain insight. It was so successful, that APASA had to have a waitlist for the event. The event kicked off with mingling between APA leaders and student guests. After guests got to know each other, Sean Miura from Tuesday Night Project and Buzzfeed gave the special keynote which had guests silently texting for a minute and introducing themselves to new people at the event. He ended the message with a call to action to figure out why guests were there and what they're going to do with the night's experience.

Followed by Miura's talk were performances from USC Trogons and USC Wushu. Both which wowed the crowd. Food was catered by Chichen Itza Restaurant. Pictures were taken by me, check them out below!

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