Become a Partner

Become an APASA partner! 

APASA is the center for Asian Pacific Islander Desi American organizations and individuals at USC. We serve the second-largest student racial demographic on campus, which translates to 24.4% of the student population. Every week, we communicate with over 3,000 students through our newsletters and social media accounts to provide information regarding upcoming events and updates from the APIDA community.

Each school year, the USC Asian Pacific American Student Assembly organizes and executes over 50 large-scale events for the entire USC community that bring out a total attendance of over 9,000 students throughout the year. Our events promote cultural and historical awareness, aiming to build a strong and vibrant Asian Pacific Islander Desi American community on campus and beyond.

Check out our informational pamphlet here. If you are interested in partnering with APASA or have any questions, please email our Business Relations Chair, Dylan Chen at