Intern Program


APASA’s Intern Program is your chance to experience the behind-the-scenes work that goes into our Assembly’s programming and advocacy. Interns work directly alongside our Executive Board to execute large-scale events and initiatives organized by APASA throughout the year, attracting student audiences in the thousands. Aside from hands-on involvement, interns will also have the opportunity to explore their relationship with their identity, create and complete passion projects, and become an integral part of a welcoming, supportive community of passionate APIDA students at USC. As members of the APASA family, our interns help us celebrate APIDA heritage and diversity, strengthening and supporting our communities within and beyond USC’s campus.

The Intern Program is open to all Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, and Transfer applicants!

Why should YOU apply?

  • Enjoy one-on-one mentorship with APASA’s Executive Board.

  • Get to know APASA's 37+ member organizations.

  • Be directly involved in APASA's programming and advocacy, including our signature events.

  • Connect with APIDA professionals and creatives from a variety of industries.

  • Prepare yourself to potentially take on an Executive Board role the following year.

  • Become part of a diverse, lively family that offers friendship, free food, and love!

  • And more! To hear more, read on for personal testimonials from our E-Board members or check us out on Instagram @uscapasa.

Join us for one of the following info sessions for a chance to learn more about the program, ask questions, and hear from past interns and members of our current Executive Board! Note that you should choose only one info session to attend, and that attendance is not required to apply. Finally, please be aware that APASA’s Intern Program is not compensated.


Info Session 1 :

Thursday, August 29
7:30 - 8:30 PM @ TCC 227

Info Session 2 :

Friday, August 30
7:30 - 8:30 PM @ TCC 227

Info Session 3 :

Thursday, September 5
7:30 - 8:30 PM @ TCC 227


Individuals with disabilities who need accommodations to attend this event may contact Vandita Gorla at It is requested that individuals requiring accommodations or auxiliary aids such as sign language interpreters and alternative format materials notify us at least 7 days prior to the event. Every reasonable effort will be made to provide reasonable accommodations in an effective and timely manner.


Interested in applying? Follow the button below to complete the application.

For questions and concerns, contact Co-Recruitment Directors Alex Nguyen ( and Sage Murthy (

Intern Testimonials

“How did the intern program impact you?”

Minah Y.

“The intern program was instrumental in allowing me to learn more about the APIDA community and how I can be an advocate for others, as well as encouraging me to venture out of my comfort zone and gain more confidence in myself and my voice. “

Anthony X.

“Stepping onto campus for my first in person year was daunting, especially as a sophomore. I had a lot of questions about myself that I wanted to answer. I think being an intern on APASA helped me discover some of my own identity and how it relates to others, and it also introduced me to a community that extends way beyond just work, a community not afraid of who they are and not afraid to help others in any way possible.”

Evelyn Z.

“The intern program helped me realize the difference I can make in the USC community and helped me find my voice on campus as a Freshman. It empowered me to start my own initiatives and be unafraid to challenge the norm.”

Anjali S.

“The intern program gave me the opportunity to truly explore APIDA identity for the first time. Being Sri Lankan-Tamil, I sometimes struggled with figuring out where I fit in culturally, but in APASA, I was able to understand my voice as well as learn about other cultures through our various projects. It’s a great space to grow and learn how to help your communities while also making meaningful friendships in a diverse atmosphere. The night before I moved out in May, some of the interns who were still on campus hung out for a bit. We just talked and laughed about random things, but it made me appreciate how we'd become close and the experiences we'd had together!”

Carter K.

“As a first year, the intern program allowed me to find a community of like-minded peers with a shared interest in representing and advocating for APIDA culture. Through APASA, I was able to learn more about the APIDA community at USC and meet so many people from all of the member organizations and greater community.”

Sea G.

“I think the intern program allowed me to really grow as a person my freshman year as it exposed me to so many new ideas within advocacy and identity as well as gave me the safety, support, and excitement to learn and transform in other ways. From the intern program, I feel that I am better practiced at speaking articulately, I have broadened my views upon what it means to be APIDA, and it gave me so many friends that I share so many amazing memories with.”

Ryan S.

“The intern program allowed me to meet other individuals who were of both similar and varying APIDA backgrounds and ultimately broaden my understanding of what it truly means to be an APIDA individual. It also challenged me to become more involved in and aware of problems surrounding the APIDA community at USC as well as the LA area in general.”

Cody C.

“After going through the Intern Program, I can confidently say joining APASA was one of the best things to happen to me last year. It's truly been such a privilege getting to learn and grow alongside such a talented, inspiring, and diverse group of students. APASA is truly my home away from home, and continuing the same feeling of comfort and support is a huge reason why I wanted to be Co-RD.”

Lily L.

“I joined the intern program on a whim, but it ended up significantly shaping my freshman year at USC. I was able to get involved with other organizations and clubs through APASA, make friends that I likely wouldn't have met otherwise, find mentors from the e-board, and had so much fun with the friends I made. The intern program helped make me feel like part of USC's community early on, and urged me to grow through thoughtful conversation, advocacy work, and community outreach.”


“Why did you join APASA?”

Taran G.

“Being from Texas, I wasn't around many APIDA individuals. I joined APASA to become part of a group of people that wanted to enact change on campus through advocacy and event planning. Through the intern program, I was able to find an inclusive space where I can talk about my experiences as an APIDA individual.”

Christina V.

“APASA serves to uplift and empower our Asian Pacific Islander Desi American community, creating space to share their experiences, stories, and struggles with the community. From attending the APASA projects and events, I have seen how APASA is committed to creating opportunities for our students to grow and connections for us to bond with one another.”

Lisa L.

“I joined APASA because of its heartwarming environment and genuine care for the APIDA community! Coming from a small school from another state, it was one of the first organizations that helped me navigate the diverse community at USC. Here, I’ve learned what it means to visibly spark change one conversation at a time and celebrate our differences across culture, heritage, and perspectives. APASA is a challenge for me to keep learning about myself and the world, and to keep growing.”

Justin W.

“I joined APASA because I wanted to give back to the amazing APIDA communities that have supported me and shaped my identity throughout my life, including the incredible people I've met here on campus. To me, APASA represents a desire to champion those causes that matter most to each and every APIDA Trojan — and doing it with a group of passionate, inspiring people.”

Brian P.

“APASA was the first place where I could feel comfortable stepping into college. When I first came to USC, I thought that this was the best time of my life to make new connections and make meaningful impacts to the world around me. Behind such aspirations, however, was the fear of not finding a place to call home. Then, I found APASA. I am incredibly grateful for this organization in helping me navigate my own identity, discovering what it means to be a Korean international student in the U.S. and I want to be able to give back what I have gained.”

Sydney T.

“I originally joined APASA because of my interest in Asian leadership and USC's APIDA community. As someone who comes from a conservative town, diverse and progressive Asian leadership was unfortunately more of a rarity than a common occurrence. So, I am very happy to be involved in a cultural assembly that stands for the right causes and maintains such a comfortable environment. To me, APASA is a space that any APIDA individual, regardless of gender, sexuality, or ethnicity, is fervently welcomed to join. As a space that not only acknowledges difference, but also relishes in it, APASA is a meaningful assembly that provides a voice for the diasporic APIDA community at large. It is also an assembly that strives to constantly improve itself as the APIDA community faces numerous inequities and internal conflicts.”

Megan P.

“I wanted to be more active in APIDA representation on campus as well as find another community on campus! I've only been involved with pre-professional organizations, so I wanted a change of pace. Although I haven't been a part of APASA for very long, it's shaping up to become a family to me—everyone that I've interacted with has been more than happy to welcome me in, and I feel that the community has been enthusiastic about getting to know me!”

Alice P.

“I joined APASA to find my voice more and make a greater impact on USC and our surrounding LA communities. I also joined to meet really cool, passionate people, all with different perspectives! APASA means growth to me because we are given a lot of space and trust to discover and do what we want to do.”

Katie L.

“I joined APASA because I wanted to find a cultural and leadership based organization on campus. My favorite memory was APASA’s annual Night Market when everyone was busy hustling around giving out food and prizes and seeing the smile on students’ faces.”

Joanna P.

“I joined APASA because of how warm the community felt, and it was a way for me to be with an amazing group of people as well as a way for me to be more actively involved in APIDA representation on campus and learn more about my culture and heritage. From the outside, I could see how vibrant and welcoming the people within APASA were, and I knew that it was something that I wanted to be a part of.”

Simran G.

“Coming into college, I really wanted to find a community where I could explore my passions but also help me feel much more adjusted. I definitely struggled during freshman year to adjust to college, and after attending Night Market and becoming aware of APASA’s work and impact, I knew I wanted to apply the next year. I’m so thankful I was accepted into APASA - being an APASA intern really helped me call USC home <3”

Minh P.

“This year, I joined APASA to become a bigger part of the APIDA community and actively engage with our member organizations to explore and learn about their cultures and heritages. APASA is also a place where I can make new connections with new people and learn to understand and appreciate the diverse perspectives within our community.”


“What was your favorite intern memory?”

Tina N.

“Our intern bonding and study nights were my absolute favorite. Everyone’s bright personality and hilarious jokes gave me something to look forward to every week. However, our Barbie and Ever After High watch party definitely has to be one of the best ones we’ve had ;)”

Vandita G.

“One of my favorite intern memories is making spam musubi for the Holiday Party. We bonded as we struggled to make enough food in my tiny apartment, and I came out learning how to make a new dish!”

Matthew W.

“An event called Taste of LA! I was not only able to visit Chinatown for the first time but we explored EVERYWHEREEE!!! From small art galleries to local Chinatown shops, I was able to buy gifts and souvenirs while grubbin on delicious food!”

Kendal W.

“Our trip to Universal's Halloween Horror Nights! Even though the jumpscares got me every time, I think it was one of the first times I got to have conversations with a lot of people and began starting to feel truly comfortable as part of this organization.”

Kylie M.

“One of my favorite memories from last year was going to Universal Studios! I remember sitting on the Great Lawn a few days before with APASA contemplating whether I wanted to go on this trip. But this trip turned out to be the highlight of my year and left a lasting impression of APASA for me. From getting motion sickness on the Harry Potter ride (the spiders!!!!!), to getting insulted by Donkey (from Shrek) for being college students and not being able to form a single-file line, these “disastrous” memories were incredibly enjoyable. On a more serious note, in times I felt low or lost in life, through APASA, I found close friends who always remained confident in my abilities and were always available to offer me support. More importantly, the program and the people helped shape me into a more authentic advocate—an advocate for the APIDA community, for myself, and for my voice.”

Yusuf R.

“I adored all of our late night hangouts where we would talk about nothing and everything on the floor of someones grimy dorm. Nothing could replace all the laughs I had and the emotionally vulnerable pieces of myself that I got to share. Even two years later, we still like to get together every so often.”

“Why SHould You join APASA?”

Shreya K.

“APASA caters to so many different types of APIDA students through a variety of events, learning about everyone's cultural experiences, and engaging with your own APIDA identity. Everyone's welcome, whether you grew up immersed in your culture in your home community or were the only APIDA person and are looking to learn more. It's a college-experience changing leadership opportunity, and there's different ways you can contribute whether it's something you already enjoy like graphic design or website management, or something you want to learn how to do like community advocacy. But more than just learning skills, APASA is a social space that is there for you, and that you can share with other students that have similar experiences. From getting to travel on a retreat together to just weekly "donut" hangouts, joining the intern program is an awesome way to sample everything that APASA has to offer.”

Katie O.

“You should join the intern program because it’s a safe space and community for APIDA individuals. You grow very close with your fellow interns and get to work alongside Eboard to plan and execute events for the surrounding USC student body. It’s very rewarding to see your plans and goals come to life for other students to enjoy. For example, my favorite intern memory was emceeing for the annual Speakers event where I got to interview and talk to Tim Chantarangsu. It was an amazing opportunity to get to do something like that as an intern.”

Sophia L.

“Join the intern program for a community who is just as passionate as you about celebrating our shared + diverse APIDA identity!! You will be able to learn how to make an impact on the community that surrounds us, all while meeting some of the best + inspiring + driven people on campus who are here to support you in all facets of your college experience :^) My favorite intern memory would have to be APASA's annual Got Talent where I got to interact with Dante Basco, the voice of one of my favorite animated characters growing up (s/o to Avatar woo). APASA really does mean home.”

Emma H.

“The intern program is one of the best ways to explore your APIDA identity, learn about APIDA advocacy, engage in meaningful projects, and form connections with fellow interns. Together, you'll go on a journey of growth while having fun :) Meet us at our intern info sessions and learn more about APASA's intern program!”

Ella F.

The best part about APASA is easily the people. They have quickly become my non-biological family, who love unconditionally and bring out the best in each other. Joining APASA has given me a newfound appreciation and immensely greater love for USC and, more importantly, my APIDA heritage.

Ashley K.

Finding a community of support can be difficult, especially as an incoming student. APASA creates a welcoming space where you can connect with fellow APIDA students who share similar experiences, challenges, and aspirations. If you are seeking an organization with genuine, passionate, and caring individuals, APASA is the way to go :)

Komal K.

APASA provides a community of people eager to support and help each other grow. It provides tangible ways to learn and get involved with the APIDA community. It provides opportunities to be a student, teacher, advocate, and ally. It gives you a way to get involved in the student body and create an impact you can actually see.

James W.

APASA is a space for those who are committed to staying educated on current and past APIDA issues. Within APASA, there's a strong sense of community and humility, where members are open to learning new and possibly clashing perspectives.