APASA Spotlight: Sophia Nguyen

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Why did you apply to APASA?

At the very root of it, I wanted to be part of a family that cared for change and advocacy. APASA brings forth the fluorescent narrative of our roots, and gives our community a platform to celebrate the fundamental aspects that makes us who we are.

Favorite APASA memory so far:

Night Market—hands down. Exhilaration, flushed cheeks, laughter, and warm twinkling lights. It's the fruition of love, thought, and hard work poured into these everlasting moments that encapsulate the spirit of APASA.

A significant cultural milestone for you:

Mattel makes first ever Barbie based on Indo-American scientist Nalini Nadkarni— because representation and activism are finally brought to the forefront of young conversations (,:

What does being APA mean to you?

Everything. It's something so inextricable, beautiful, powerful, and impossible to define. But at its core, it is something that empowers me; both bring me strength and teach me compassion.

If you could plan any event at USC, what would it be?

A Conversation with Ocean Vuong ❤️

What is your long-term goal for APASA? 

To create more spaces for inclusion; to focus on representation and diversity in thought!

Thank you Sophia!