APASA Spotlight: Ethan Soo

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Why did you apply to APASA?

I'm super passionate about Asian American representation and I wanted to find a club that shared those values. I was drawn immediately to the impact of the USC community as well as advocacy work in the greater LA area.

Favorite APASA memory so far:

Night Market! As hectic as it was, it was so great to see students interacting and engaging with APA culture. And the food was yummy!

A significant cultural milestone for you:

The release of Parasite. In the fall, I got the chance to see the film in a Korean theatre 3 times and, while I don't speak Korean, it was amazing seeing the whole audience cheer, laugh, and gasp during the movie. I don't think I've ever been to a film so energized by the audience.

What does being APA mean to you?

Finding the balance between American culture and your own Asian heritage, while remaining open-minded to other's experiences.

If you could plan any event at USC, what would it be?

Head In The Clouds x USC!

What is your long-term goal for APASA? 

To continue to create positive change in the USC community and beyond!

Thank you Ethan!