APASA Spotlight: Sissi Lin


Why did you apply to APASA?

To me, APASA gives me the opportunity to not only be able to connect to my Taiwanese roots, but also allows me to learn about other Asian Pacific cultures. APASA has such an immense passion for the APA identity that it inspired me to want to join an organization that cares so much about its students.

Favorite APASA memory so far:

Every time I'm with APASA ❤️

What does being APA mean to you?

Growing up Taiwanese in South America proved to be hard as a kid. I would always be the one kid drinking Yakult while the other kids would be drinking Coca-Cola during recess. No matter how much I tried to fit in, my Asian complexion would always give away that I was different. Back then, I thought I was faced with the choice of having to choose between being either Taiwanese or Argentinian, but I realized that I can be both. I'm proud to be different. I'm proud to have Asian roots. My complex identity allows me to explore the bridges that I can connect between these two different cultures to produce a third culture.

If you could plan any event at USC, what would it be?

I'd want to see all the APA stars gathered at one place for a huge panel & meet and greet!

What is your long-term goal for APASA? 

Last summer, I had the honor of being able to be crowned as Miss Taiwanese American queen. Along with the title, comes a lot of responsibility and honor. Having to serve in court and having to serve my community for the span of a year, I realized there is a lot about Taiwan that people have yet been informed about. My goal for APASA is to take advantage of those opportunities that we have to offer to connect bridges between cultures. East Asian politics are really complicated and being able to help inform others so that we can all become more respectful and knowledgeable is something that I would like to see APASA flourish in.

Thank you Sissi!