APASA Spotlight: Christopher Su


Why did you apply to APASA?

Initially, what drew me to APASA was the community that it fosters, not only within the assembly itself, but also throughout the USC campus. When I was a freshman, I remember going to my first info session and I was immediately drawn to the tight-knit atmosphere that the executive board radiated and after serving as an intern and E-board member, I also appreciate the immediate impact that APASA can have on both the APA community and the general USC body. APASA is a family of such highly-motivated individuals, with each person possessing their own passions and goals, and this is precisely what makes it so special. Every member has the freedom to set their own goals and achieve them with the full support of the assembly behind them, all while making close connections and bonds along the way.

Favorite APASA memory so far:

There are so many exquisite memories that I have experienced with APASA — from the simpler ones, like attending General Meeting every Monday and seeing everyone, to the more unique ones, such as Got Talent and Disneyland. However, I think my favorite ones come from the spring retreat each year as it encompasses everything that I love and cherish about this organization. You are not only provided with the flexibility to collaborate on events and work on your own projects, but you also build more intimate friendships with the friends that you work alongside throughout the year.

A significant cultural milestone for you: ?

I don't know if I would consider it the most significant, but Jeremy Lin coming into the NBA and catapulting himself into stardom was a pretty big milestone for me. Especially as a kid who admired NBA players, I never really got to experience the passion of watching and supporting an Asian basketball player other than maybe Yao Ming (even then, I was too young) so seeing Jeremy Lin overcome everything and achieve success was relatively empowering.

Thank you Christopher!